Poster Presentation Submissions
Please don’t forget to send your presentation files to at least one day before your presentation!
Note we are asking for you to send us TWO files as outlined below (your poster presentation in either format and your single slide for the lightning presentation session).
There is a blank slide template for you to use for your lightning slide. We would prefer standard widescreen format so each presenter's lightning talk has a similar format. Beside the widescreen format and single slide, we have no other requirements regarding your slide content, font style/color/size, etc.
Poster presenters have the option to either present a traditional poster presentation (PDF or PPTX file) -or- to create a short, maximum of 5-slide, PowerPoint to use dynamically during your poster session.
You will be asked to present one slide for a maximum of 90-sec to provide an overview of your poster. This poster session lightning round will be held at the start of each day’s poster session from 14:20-14:40 and you will be presenting to all attendees via GoToWebinar. We will use the slide you send to us to create a single presentation of that day’s lightning talks and arrange them in the order as shown on the agenda. During the lightning session, we will present your overview slide on your behalf. Then, you simply need to unmute and provide a 90-second update and demonstrate why attendees should view your poster.
If you're a Mac user and encounter problems accessing your microphone, sharing your screen, or sharing your camera in GoToWebinar, please visit the following link: Mac Screen sharing setup:
Following the lightning session, posters have been split into two 40-min long blocks and hosted in Google Meet. Block one will be held from 14:40 - 15:20 and block two from 15:20 - 16:00. By placing posters into two distinct 40-min long blocks, presenters are able to view other posters during the session and only be required to be “at their poster” in Google Meet for the 40-min block as you are assigned. Attendees may visit all of the unique Google Meet “rooms” to view the posters during each block and speak directly with you as presenters. Please see the poster agendas for more details.
**Please Note: All times listed above are for Mountain Daylight Time (UTC minus 6 hours) and match the agenda times shown.
Rules of Engagement for the eGMAC
- Be respectful of others during all presentations and interactions.
- Keep your microphone muted at all times unless you are actively speaking.
Stay on time - The eGMAC will strictly adhere to our schedule:
- Oral presenters follow AGU format with 12-min to speak and 3-min for Q&A,
- Poster presenters each have 90-second lightning talks.
- As a presenter, use a webcam whenever possible for better interaction with attendees.
eGMAC Virtual Format
- The eGMAC will be hosted by a combination of GoToWebinar and Google Meet.
- The GMAC website will serve as our meeting home and include the links to the GoToWebinar for each day. The site will also have the links to PDF poster files, to each poster’s individual Google Meet virtual room, and other events including the early career panel, conference happy hour, and open discussion rooms.
- The oral presentations and poster session lightning talks will include all attendees and be presented via GoToWebinar.
- The break/discussion time following the oral session and before moving into the poster session’s lightning talks will be hosted on Google Meet. Oral presenters are highly encouraged to join this discussion time, if available, to answer additional questions and interact with other presenters and attendees.
- The poster session rooms (unique for each poster) will be hosted in Google Meet. The poster session for each day will be presented in two blocks. As a poster presenter, you may display a single PDF poster file that you can zoom in and out with, or, you may prepare a maximum of 5-slide powerpoint to use dynamically during your poster session. See below for instructions and tips for Google Meet.
Instructions & Tips for Google Meet
- Please use Google Chrome for best results. Chrome allows you, as the presenter, the ability to share a specific window (your presentation file) and also see attendees in your Google Meet room for interactions at the same time.
- As the poster presenter, you will be expected to share your screen (presentation) in Google Meet so attendees that join your poster presentation will be able to see you and your poster.
- If you cannot see the attendees in your Google Meet room while sharing your poster, we suggest having your presentation file and Google Meet running side-by-side on the same screen (or with dual screens) so you can view them both.
- Assuming you send your poster presentation file to the GMAC email address, as requested above, your presentation will also be added to the GMAC website (as a PDF) so attendees can view your poster separately if they prefer to. Again, please send your poster file to at least one day before your presentation!
- Google Meet does include a chat function and you are welcome to use it during your poster presentation. However, attendees only see chat messages posted during the time they are connected to the meeting and will not see the entire history if conversations occurred before that attendee joined your Google Meet room. The chat icon is found near the top right corner of the screen.
- Google Meet also allows you to add your camera as a tile with the other attendees, if desired, and this function is also located near the top right of the screen.
- The three dots near the bottom right of the screen provides you additional options including the ability to change your display layout (how many other attendees you see at one time), change your camera background, and/or to use your phone for audio (if your internet connection isn’t strong enough to support both voice and video).
- Your email address will be added to the calendar invite for the Google Meet specific to your poster presentation. You should see an automated message from Google Calendar in the coming days and the link found in that message will allow you to directly enter your Google Meet room.
- Note this Google Meet room can be tested anytime if you would like to try screen sharing or get familiar with the platform prior to your presentation. Testing is HIGHLY recommended.
- A known limitation to Google Meet is that non-NOAA attendees will need to be “admitted” into the Google Meet room. As the presenter, with your email address included on the calendar invite, this will NOT apply to you. However, on the day of your presentation, eGMAC staff will be sure to keep a NOAA team member in your presentation room with the sole responsibility to admit attendees into your poster presentation. No action will be required on your part. The NOAA team member probably will not be able to use their video/microphone, but will be able to chat to help with any problems.
Additional Presentation Tips:
- Be ready. During the talk immediately before yours, have your presentation open and full screen... i.e. ready to go!
- When prompted, share your Full screen. Do NOT just share the PowerPoint window as you may share the wrong window.
- It is highly recommended that you close all other apps, besides Powerpoint/Acrobat and gotomeeting.
- Close your email, if you have that open, there is a chance we will see it open. Also, if you have email notifications enabled, those might be visible during your presentation.
- We will automatically turn off your screen sharing with ~10-sec remaining in your presentation so we can begin the transition to the next speaker. This is your final cue that it is time to wrap up your last Q&A response. In addition, this will assist the session chairs to help keep our meeting running on time.
This year the eGMAC Organizing Committee and GML Awards Committee will present the Early Career Scientist award for the best in oral or poster presentation. A group of judges will use the following criteria to identify the winner: logical flow of the paper, verbal delivery skills, and preparedness to answer questions.
Early Career Scientist (ECS) is defined as a student, a Ph.D. candidate, or a practicing scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc, or Ph.D.) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations, or national service.
Please email if you meet the above criteria and wish to be considered for this award.
The GMAC homepage will be your main launch point for the meeting all week. The full meeting agenda, links (day of only), and other information can be found on the GMAC website at:
Please directions questions to or your session chair, when assigned.