NOAA Solar Calculator
Find Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Noon and Solar Position for Any Place on Earth
Drag the large red pin with the dot to the desired location and enter the date and time at which to calculate the sun position.
Sunrise/Sunset Tables
Tables with times of sunrise, sunset and solar noon for each day of the year for the location and year specified in the form above can be created by clicking on the button below.
Tables will open up in a new tab/window
Interested in Doing Your Own Calculations?
Details about the calculations and spreadsheets that can be used to calculate solar data are available on the solar calculation details page.Having Trouble?
- Check your Time Zone -- Is the time zone set correctly for this location? Our calculator attempts to determine the correct time zone for the given location and date, but because time zones and the start and end dates of Daylight Saving Time sometimes change, this value may not be accurate for historical or future dates.
- Click the Show Sunrise, Show Sunset and Show Azimuth checkboxes to display color-coded lines on the map indicating the direction of sunrise, sunset and solar position based on the Local Time and Date entered.
- This solar calculator is provided for research and entertainment purposes only. Due to variable atmospheric conditions and uncertainty inherent in the algorithms used, the actual observed values of sunrise, sunset and solar position may differ from the results presented here.
Feel free to write to us with any questions or comments at Webmaster.Solar Calculation Resources: