
data.aggregate.ebas generates NASA-Ames formatted data specifically for submission to the World Data Center for Aerosols WDCA, which is hosted by the EBAS database. The outputted data are defined by a “record type” that corresponds to the type of data being generated. This may result in one or more files being created to represent that type of data for the given time range.

Available record types are determined by the ebas configuration directory.

Command Line Usage

data.aggregate.ames [--dir=directory] [station] record start [end]


start and end

The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all data contained within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted.


The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.


A code specifying the type of data to be generated. Examples include:

  • neph_L2_cut - Level 2 neph data split by cut size.
  • psap_L0NRT_cut - Level 0 near real time data split by cut size.
  • cpc_L1 - Level 1 CPC data.

In general the record is composed of a type (“neph”), a level code (“L1”), and if applicable the cut size split.


Set the directory to create files in. Defaults to the current directory.

Example Usage

data.aggregate.ebas sgp neph_L0NRT_cut 2008.0 2008.25