Aerosol System Information and Maintenance

This page provides links to various documents we have generated over time describing parts of the aerosol system and, where possible, how to service them. The documents are organized by system part and there's a section for general information as well. The document describing Annual Maintenance Tasks is here.

Condensation nuclei counter (CN)

CN general
Description of flow in CN box
Instructions for replacing Nafion drier in CN box
Schematic of cryogenic drier to remove water vapor from CN sample line
TSI 3010 and 3760
Instructions for shipping CN counter (TSI 3010 and TSI 3760)
Instructions for cleaning CN critical orifice and focusing nozzle (TSI 3010 and TSI 3760)
Instructions for replacing thermo-electric cooler (TEC) in TSI 3010 and TSI 3760
Instructions for replacing laser in 3010 and 3760 (from Appalachian State)
Aerosol Dynamics MAGIC
MAGIC 200 nozzle cleaning
MAGIC 200 pump test
MAGIC 250 humidifier draining and drying
MAGIC 250 Using cpd to get and set wick sensor parameters
MAGIC 250 Inspecting wick sensor
Brechtel MCPC
Instructions for cleaning CN critical orifice and focusing nozzle (Brechtel MCPC1710)
TSI 3781
Instructions for cleaning the Model 3781 flow control orifice
Troubleshooting guide for Model 3781 CPC
TSI notification of need to upgrade orifices in Model 3781 CPC
Instructions for upgrading orifices in Model 3781 CPC


TSI 3563
Instructions for changing neph lamp
Instructions for cleaning light trap
How to reseat PMTs
How to replace a broken neph fan
Instructions for calibrating neph using cpd and TSI software
Nephelometer optical system maintenance and repair (by Patrick Sheridan)
Detailed manual for operating nephelometer (WMO/GAW)
Description of the neph zero filter valve assembly
Instructions for repairing/replacing neph zero filter valve
Removing neph chopper motor assembly
Instructions for replacing neph chopper motor
Instructions for replacing neph backscatter shutter
Specifications for neph backscatter shutter
Electrical schematics for TSI 3563 nephelometer
Ecotech Aurora 3000
Optical Cleaning for Aurora 3000

Continuous Light Absorption Photometer (CLAP)

Instructions for replacing board in CLAP

Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP)

Description of what the PSAP settings should be

uMac box

Description of umac, includes information on connections, etc.

PID box

Description of PID - function of each button, etc.
Instructions for how to change the flow setpoint on the PID
Description of the PID settings - all menu options

Impactor box

Description of impactor box
Schematics for each of the 4 possible flow paths through impactor box
Wiring diagram schematic of impactor box
Wiring diagram schematic of impactor box electronic ball valve

Pump box

Schematic of pumpbox flow
Schematic of pitot tube in pumpbox
Instructions for cleaning pitot tube in pumpbox
Info and instructions for carbon vane pump filter


Schematic of aerosol stack system
Schematic of stack flow
Instructions for how to make a stack heater
Description of T/RH probe placement at stack flow splitter
Photos and descriptions of various NOAA and collaborative aerosol stack systems

General Information

Instructions on how to crimp wires together
Description of Vaisala RH sensors, includes ordering info
Instructions on how to calibrate mass flow controllers
Design of a basic aerosol humidifier (tube design)