
This file controls what input sources are used by data.wx.get. It is located in $DB/etc/$STATION/wx.$STATION.conf or in the default location $DB/etc/wx.conf. If the station specific one does not exist, the then the default one is used.


Lines beginning with '#' are treated as comments. Comma separated.


The first field is the start time of the line. This may be empty or “0” to designate an undefined (infinite) start, or any convertible time format.

The type (case insensitive) may be one of:

  • ZenoID - The ID of the Zeno to lookup for, if undefined then uses any available one.
  • Contam or Contaminate - Defines the contamination for the staiton, the first field is the minimum wind speed before contamination, then every two fields after that designate a contaminated sector of wind direction.
  • T - Defines the temperature sources.
  • U or RH - Defines the RH sources.
  • P - Defines the pressure sources.
  • WS - Defines the wind speed sources.
  • WD - Defines the wind direction sources.
  • WZ - Defines the visibility sources.
  • WX - Defines the weather code sources.
  • Td - Set a source for the dewpoint temperature to calculate the RH from.

Data sources are list of field sources in the order of priority that they should be used. Any RH one may end in “:Td” to treat the source as a dewpoint and calculate the RH from that instead of directly copying it. Some sources may take arguments separated by “:”. The following sources are valid:

  • a__ - CPD1 a__ records, takes the integer field number starting from zero.
  • h__ - CPD1 h__ records, takes the integer field number starting from zero.
  • me_ - Archived me_ records, takes the integer field number starting from zero.
  • zeno - Zeno data, takes the integer field number starting from zero.
  • gmdbin - GMD binary MET data, requires the variable number code and may take a multiplier to convert to real units.
  • CPD2 - CPD2 records, requires the record and may take a regular expression specifying the variable.